Friday, July 17, 2009

Ugh...I'm terrible at blogging!!

There, I said it. I'm terrible, terrible at blogging. In my defense, we've been busy and life is more hectic than usual. If you'd like to see pictures of our last month you can visit my facebook page at

I hope to return to blogging soon as I really do miss it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


This should be the sign on the front of our house. I've been in bed since late Saturday night with severe bronchitis. Jon had a fever for 4 days and it has finally broken. Joshua and Matthew both have the flu and are miserable. Noah started this morning with the cough and looks terrible. So far, Timothy is the only one still up and running around. Amazingly enough, the house is still standing and doesn't look quite as bad as I thought it would when I looked around this morning. Might be because we are all miserable and therefore, no one is making a mess? Oh there is a ton of laundry to fold, but other than that, it won't take me long to get this place back in order. Kudos to my mil Ann for doing a load of dishes for me the other night which helped the kitchen. At least we only have one soccer game on Saturday (that will most likely be missed) and we can get this bug out of our house quickly instead of it being here for a month while it goes through all of us!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Aloha!! It's almost here. Just a few more days. Three more sleeps and I'll be in Hawaii!!! Watch for LOTS of pictures when I return!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

One week from today

One week from today, mom and I will be boarding a plane and heading to Hawaii!! I can't believe it is almost here. I actually don't think it will be real until we are sitting in those first class seats and they say next stop, Honolulu!!

This is the hotel we are staying at in Waikiki:
Doesn't this decor just scream Hawaii??Hopefully we'll have internet access in at least one of the hotels (I'm not taking my laptop) or I'll find a internet cafe to post an update on here and also on facebook.

One week--7 days--7 sleeps--no matter how you count it, it is almost here!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

2 Weeks from today

Two weeks from today, mom and I will be flying to Hawaii!! I can't believe it is almost here. I still need to go clothes shopping this week and pick up a few warm weather clothes. Will be weird to be wearing short sleeves after so long of wearing long sleeves and pants.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What we are listing on etsy.

I thought I'd share a small glimpse of the items we are selling on etsy. Check us out!!

Buy Handmade

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A blog about our store

Our store and etsy shop are being featured today on a blog. Exciting for us!! You can read about it here: