I really, really, really despise laundry. It is never ending in this house. It isn't the washing & drying that I don't like. It is the folding and sorting.
So, after much frustration, I came up with an idea. I bought 4 of those pop-up mesh hampers and labeled one for each of the boys. They now have to put their clothes in their own hamper. Timothy loves it and if he puts it in the wrong hamper, he will go back and change it.
Makes for a perfect load size when it is 3/4 full. It is nice to know that I can wash, dry and fold just one persons clothes. No more sorting!! So we all now have our own laundry hamper and one for just towels.
Why didn't I think of this months ago??
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Monday, May 26, 2008
8th place!!
Good job Buddy Rice and crew!! We haven't talked with Uncle Mark, but I imagine he is pretty happy about their 8th place finish! Hope your season keeps on getting better.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Noah's Night
Tonight was Noah's night to have friends over. He chose his buddies Ben & Andrew. Of course, we had to have a fire and roast marshmallows. Then came the water and mud. I came inside for that. A mom can only take so much. They are good boys and a joy to have around. I am thankful that the boys are choosing friends wisely. I think a lot of their choices have to do with our daily prayer for them to have the right friends.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Go Buddy Rice
The boys' Uncle Mark works for Dreyer & Reinbold Racing and is the crew chief for Buddy Rice. We will be anxiously watching the Indy 500 this weekend. If you watch and don't know who to cheer for, cheer for car #15--Buddy Rice!!!
Here is a picture of Mark working on the car at another race. He is working on the front tire.
Here is a picture of Mark working on the car at another race. He is working on the front tire.
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
You may be asking why my life is so hectic, so I thought I'd give our SET schedule. Of course, this does not include the ebay packing, cuts, scrapes, fights, meals to fix, laundry to do, homework to help with, or exercise. This all gets done when it needs done. I feel like I'm forgetting something. Oh yeah. SLEEP!!!
Monday: School (for 12 more days--oh my!) for the oldest 3. After school we do homework and daily chores. Matthew has soccer practice in the evening for 1 1/2 hrs.
Tuesday: Repeat as Monday, except I volunteer at our local Safe Kids office for a few hours. Soccer practice in the evening for Joshua & Noah (and I'm the coach).
Wednesday. Repeat as per the previous days. No soccer but we do have church in the evening and Matthew has boy scouts.
Thursday: Lather, rinse, repeat. Soccer tonight is for Matthew, Joshua & Noah.
Friday: Do you get the idea yet?
Saturday: Ah the weekend, time to relax. HA!! I have praise band practice at 7 am, Jon works, and we have 2 or 3 soccer games depending on the weekend. Thankfully, the rest of the season are home games. At least until tourney time, then we'll travel to Bremen.
Sunday: Finally, the day of rest! After church, I come home, lock myself in the bedroom and take a nap!!!
Monday: School (for 12 more days--oh my!) for the oldest 3. After school we do homework and daily chores. Matthew has soccer practice in the evening for 1 1/2 hrs.
Tuesday: Repeat as Monday, except I volunteer at our local Safe Kids office for a few hours. Soccer practice in the evening for Joshua & Noah (and I'm the coach).
Wednesday. Repeat as per the previous days. No soccer but we do have church in the evening and Matthew has boy scouts.
Thursday: Lather, rinse, repeat. Soccer tonight is for Matthew, Joshua & Noah.
Friday: Do you get the idea yet?
Saturday: Ah the weekend, time to relax. HA!! I have praise band practice at 7 am, Jon works, and we have 2 or 3 soccer games depending on the weekend. Thankfully, the rest of the season are home games. At least until tourney time, then we'll travel to Bremen.
Sunday: Finally, the day of rest! After church, I come home, lock myself in the bedroom and take a nap!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Timothy's Last Days of Preschool
Timothy is now done with his first year of preschool. Of course, the other 3 are very upset that he is done with school and they still have 3 weeks to go. Over the past few weeks, Timothy took a field trip to a local pizza place (YUM!!!) and got to make his own pizza. I even got to make one. Nothing is better than pizza at 9 am. His class also took a field trip to the local park on their last day.

Matthew's Night to have friends over
Jon and I want our home to be a place where the boys friends want to come and have fun. For the past few weekends, they've each had a friend or two over. Last weekend was Matthew's turn and he had 2 friends over. It was a great night out so we had a fire and roasted marshmallows. Being boys though, they first had to play around the fire--no one got hurt thank goodness!!

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