I love Anita Renfroe and her sense of humor. Her video "momsense" totally sums up my day. I've always said that I should just record myself and push play when I get up in the morning.
Monday, June 30, 2008
Friday, June 27, 2008
Final day of soccer camp
Another soccer camp is over. The weather wasn't the greatest this week, but Joshua and Noah had a blast and learned some new skills.
Joshua getting his ball signed by one of the coaches
Noah getting his ball signed
Joshua receiving his end of camp evaluation
Joshua waving to his fans
Noah after receiving his evaluation
Noah smiling for his fans
All the campers after the ending ceremonies
Joshua working on drills
Noah going after the ball
Noah in action during a game
Noah and one of his teammates
Joshua just missing the ball to stop the goal
The sound of silence
Did you figure out the sound in the video clip? It is the sound of silence in my house. It is a very rare thing to happen.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Strangest sound in the house
I am really freaked out right now. Just a few minutes ago I heard the strangest sound in my house and I just had to record it. Watch the video clip and see if you can figure out what it is. I don't think I have EVER heard it before.
Trip to the air museum
We took a trip to Grissom Air Museum the other day. We went with my friend Sally & 3 of her kids plus one extra, Sally's sister and her 2 kids, and my 4 boys. Did you add that up? Yep, 10 kids. 9 boys and 1 girl. 8 of the kids were 6 and under. As we were leaving, the people working in the museum made sure to tell us that we had to leave with as many kids as we brought!
I have never forgotten my kids. Ok, there was that one time when I thought Jon had Matthew after church and he thought I had him, but what better place to leave your child than at church?
Matthew flying the old time plane
Noah and Timothy enjoying the plane you can "fly"
Timothy attempting the plane
Do you know how hard it is to get these boys to stand still for a picture??
Andrew B, Noah and Andrew D
Noah inside the cockpit
Joshua flying the plane. Good practice since he wants to be pilot
Timothy is a natural!
Andrew B flying the plane
I have never forgotten my kids. Ok, there was that one time when I thought Jon had Matthew after church and he thought I had him, but what better place to leave your child than at church?
Tuesday, June 24, 2008
Soccer Camp
This week is soccer camp for Joshua and Noah. 9 to 12. Yesterday they were put on teams for the World Cup tournament. Joshua plays for Scotland and Noah plays for China. Hopefully I will get some pictures of camp and put them on here. Joshua LIVES for soccer and can turn anything into a soccer ball. Wadded up socks, water bottle full of rocks. You name it, he will kick it!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Noah lost a tooth!!
Noah lost his first tooth the other day. Of course it was helped out by him falling and hitting it. He was very excited to see that the tooth fairy did come and couldn't wait to show off his dollar to his brothers.
Day At The Zoo
Last week we had to drive down to Lafayette to pick up Joshua's allergy shot serum. While there, we took a drive over to Columbia Park Zoo. It has been greatly improved since I went to college.
I've always told the boys that if they didn't stop acting like monkeys, they'd end up in the zoo
What boy can resist water?
See mom, the goat is getting mommy milk
Boys and their love of snakes!!!
Acting like prarie dogs
Will the real prarie dog please come forward?

With the way they reacted to this chicken, you'd never know we had 50 of them at home
They have two bald eagles at the zoo and a replica of an Eagle's nest. Of course, they had to get in it
The painted frogs were a hit as well
Monday, June 16, 2008
What Happens When Mom takes a nap
Sunday afternoon is my nap time. Yesterday when I awoke, this is what I found on my camera. It is no wonder that I spend a lot of my time saying "no" "stop it" and my all time favorite "I'm slowly going insane". Yes, that is a rope hung from the living room ceiling. The ONLY reason I'm remotely going along with it is that I want a new living room ceiling and I'm hoping that these force the situation.
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Video of camping and soccer
Portion of Matthew's soccer game. Yes, you can hear me.
Noah and Timothy in the pond
Soccer & Camping
Last weekend, Joshua and Matthew played in a soccer tournament. Their teams did not win the tourney, but they had a great time. We decided to camp instead of driving back and forth and some other families camped as well. We camped at Pla-Mor in Bremen and it is a great camp ground. The boys all enjoyed the miniature golf and the swimming pond. Enjoy the pictures of our trip.
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