Monday, January 5, 2009

Catching up is so much fun!!

I am LOVING facebook.  I first joined at the urging of one of my friends from a chatroom on Delphi (yes Rena, you!).  It started growing with friends from church and I think we talk more on there than in real life.  Then sorority sisters of mine started showing up.  What fun!!  Then AAMB alums—again FUN!! And now some from my high school   It is great to see how we’ve all gone different paths, but still have connections to one another.  Some of us have kids who are almost teenagers, others are just starting their families.  We are single, married, engaged, Dr’s, museum directors, mom’s, dad’s, teachers.  But we all have a common thread that runs through us that keeps us together.  Isn’t technology great?

1 comment:

BeHappyBeSweetBeYou said...

It is super GREAT!! I have found so many of my college friends!!! I love catching up and remembering old times!! Plus, its very handy for keeping tabs on them and not losing them again as the years go on!!
Teenagers.....lets not discuss that!!! We are only 29!! *hairflip*
I love your new background!! Im thinking of using my digiscrap stuff and making a new one tomorrow!! :)