Friday, July 17, 2009

Ugh...I'm terrible at blogging!!

There, I said it. I'm terrible, terrible at blogging. In my defense, we've been busy and life is more hectic than usual. If you'd like to see pictures of our last month you can visit my facebook page at

I hope to return to blogging soon as I really do miss it.

Thursday, April 23, 2009


This should be the sign on the front of our house. I've been in bed since late Saturday night with severe bronchitis. Jon had a fever for 4 days and it has finally broken. Joshua and Matthew both have the flu and are miserable. Noah started this morning with the cough and looks terrible. So far, Timothy is the only one still up and running around. Amazingly enough, the house is still standing and doesn't look quite as bad as I thought it would when I looked around this morning. Might be because we are all miserable and therefore, no one is making a mess? Oh there is a ton of laundry to fold, but other than that, it won't take me long to get this place back in order. Kudos to my mil Ann for doing a load of dishes for me the other night which helped the kitchen. At least we only have one soccer game on Saturday (that will most likely be missed) and we can get this bug out of our house quickly instead of it being here for a month while it goes through all of us!

Friday, March 13, 2009


Aloha!! It's almost here. Just a few more days. Three more sleeps and I'll be in Hawaii!!! Watch for LOTS of pictures when I return!!!

Monday, March 9, 2009

One week from today

One week from today, mom and I will be boarding a plane and heading to Hawaii!! I can't believe it is almost here. I actually don't think it will be real until we are sitting in those first class seats and they say next stop, Honolulu!!

This is the hotel we are staying at in Waikiki:
Doesn't this decor just scream Hawaii??Hopefully we'll have internet access in at least one of the hotels (I'm not taking my laptop) or I'll find a internet cafe to post an update on here and also on facebook.

One week--7 days--7 sleeps--no matter how you count it, it is almost here!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

2 Weeks from today

Two weeks from today, mom and I will be flying to Hawaii!! I can't believe it is almost here. I still need to go clothes shopping this week and pick up a few warm weather clothes. Will be weird to be wearing short sleeves after so long of wearing long sleeves and pants.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What we are listing on etsy.

I thought I'd share a small glimpse of the items we are selling on etsy. Check us out!!

Buy Handmade

Thursday, February 19, 2009

A blog about our store

Our store and etsy shop are being featured today on a blog. Exciting for us!! You can read about it here:

Timothy is 5!!!

Where in the world have the past 5 years gone?  Seems like just yesterday we were bringing boy #4 home from the hospital!

We celebrated his birthday by doing our part to stimulate the economy.  We went to Pizza Hut for lunch and then shopping at Sears.  Boy, could I have spent a bundle in there, but I didn’t.  I never thought I could fall in love with washers, dryers and stoves, but I did. 

Here are a few pictures from 5 years ago. 

Just a few minutes after birth.
Aunt Julie & Uncle Mark holding Timothy

Nini Linda and Noah holding him.

Mommy introducing Timothy to his older brothers.
Mommy & Timothy

6 weeks picture

Technorati Tags:

Check back later for pictures of him celebrating his big day.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Matthew, the Senate Page

On January 12,  Matthew served as a Senate Page for our newly elected State Senator, Randy Head.  Matthew had a great day and was able to see Gov. Daniels sworn in for his second term as Governor.  Matthew had a great time and learned a lot about our government. 

Isn’t he handsome?

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Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Noah’s playing basketball

This year, Noah decided he wanted to play basketball. Wouldn’t have anything to do with two of his best buddies playing would it? Of course not—yeah right!! He is on the same team as Andrew and Andrew which makes him very happy. While he is enjoying basketball, he can’t wait for soccer to begin.100_2578
Waiting to get out of the truck before the game. Do you see the missing tooth? He’s now lost both top teeth.

Sitting on the sidelines.

Leaving the court after making 1 of his 3 baskets.

New Puppies

We have two new puppies in the house. Jon wanted to get Timothy a puppy for his birthday, but couldn’t resist getting the sister, so we ended up with two. Their brother now lives next door at Ray & Linda’s.

The black puppy is Timothy & Noah’s and they named her Padme.


The tan one is named Jamie and belongs to Joshua (can you tell from the pictures he doesn’t feel well?) and Matthew. 100_2594 100_2598 100_2602 100_2605

Does anyone remember the last time we had a puppy? No. Let me refresh your memory. We ended up in the emergency room with Joshua because he was playing with the puppy, fell off the couch and broke his collar bone. Let’s hope history doesn’t repeat itself.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Matthew & the Geography Bee

Tuesday night was the Geography Bee for RMS. Matthew has been studying since the beginning of school for this.  The topic this year was “China”.  RMS came in 3rd place.  It was a close bee.  The winning team had 40 pts and RMS had 37.  For his part, Matthew answered 5/9.  We were all extremely proud of him.  Afterwards he was asked to join the Academic team for their competition in the spring. 

The team waiting for the bee to start.
Matthew taking his turn to answer questions.
Getting an answer correct.
All done with his part.

Thursday, January 15, 2009

Please Pray

We found out this week that a girl in Joshua's 3rd grade class has been diagnosed with cancer. We are praying for this girl every day and I'm asking all of you to as well. Her name is Makayla and has a long road ahead of her, but I know that with our prayers and God's healing, she will recover faster than anyone predicts.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Count your blessings

My mom gets me a new daily calendar each year for Christmas.  This year, it has a Psalm for each day.  Yesterday was Psalms 13:6 “He dealt bountifully with me”. 

This spoke very clear to me.  I am guilty of focusing on what has not been done, instead of all the blessings I receive each day.  I’ve decided to start a list and then add to it each day with what blessings I see around me.  I think this will help me focus in the right direction which will then allow everything else to fall into place.

  1. A home with a roof and heat.
  2. A refrigerator and cabinets full of food.
  3. A husband who works extremely hard so that I can be at home with our children.
  4. A husband who loves me unconditionally.
  5. Four wonderful and healthy boys.
  6. Fabulous in-laws!!!  This is one area where I am blessed beyond belief.
  7. Parents who are healthy and enjoy spending time with their grandchildren.
  8. FRIENDS!!!  I have the best friends in the world.
  9. A Lord and Savior who loves me and forgives me when I keep making the same mistakes.
  10. I live in a country where I can make a post like this and not live in fear of the police coming and arresting me.

What would be on your list?

Monday, January 5, 2009

The past few months with the Woottens

We have been busy these past few months. Birthdays, Christmas, New Years, sickness (okay, I’d rather forget about that!!). Here are some pictures to bring you up to speed.

Ladies Christmas Tea

momschristmastea 001 Our church has an annual Ladies Christmas Tea (not sure why Steph keeps calling it a tea, it is a full meal). The tables are decorated by the ladies and each year the tables get better and better. The praise band plays Christmas music and since I have to put up with those men all the time (they are great guys, but they are guys—enough said!) I decorated the table for them. I went to the foo-foo room of the antique store and borrowed the white feather tree and pink ornaments. Perfect don’t you think?

momschristmastea 007My friend Michelle won for this table. She had a pajama party table—isn’t that clever??

Matthew had a birthday and a band concert

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I was mean and wrapped his iPod in a big bag with little boxes inside it. He was very happy to get it. I can’t believe he is 12 and that next year I will be the mom of a teenager!

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Playing trumpet with the middle school band. I want to tell all the trumpet players to put their horns in the proper position!!
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Trying to hide from me.

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I think this look is telling me to stop taking his picture!

Matthew will spend next Monday being a page for our State Senator Randy Head. He is very excited about that.

Timothy is a ham

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He is the youngest and you can tell. Anytime he can get the attention, he grabs onto it and holds on tight!! I think the one with the “old man” t-shirt and swimming goggles will be kept to show any future girlfriends!

Noah had a birthday & a school program

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Noah with his class on the risers
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He got to hold the big candy cane for one of the songs.
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Waiting for us to sing to him. Notice who just had to be near the cake?
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Getting a kiss from his Nini Ann.
I am so thankful that we live near all the grandparents
and the boys are getting to know all of them.

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Eating cake with his friends at his birthday party.

Joshua had a friend over and they borrowed my camera.

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These are great blackmail pictures!! I can’t wait to show them to his girlfriend some day. Which if I have my way will be in oh, 10 years at the earliest!

We had snow and ice

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The first snow of the season

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Timothy thought it was great that his brothers had to be in school and he could go out and play.novdec2008 017 novdec2008 018
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All done and ready to get warm!
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We had an ice storm on Dec 19 which left us all stranded at home. The bad part? No power. Which also meant no water! You would have thought the boys had been walking in the desert for 40 days they way they whined about being thirsty! Luckily the antique store has a water cooler and we went over there and got a gallon of water so they could drink. Thank goodness for a gas stove so I could fix them lunch. Can you imagine if they would have had to miss a meal??

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Noah and Timothy showing the perfect thing to do without power. Build legos by the fire. Thanks to the fireplace the house stayed a toasty 77—yes Jon had it cranked up that high!!

We celebrated Christmas and the birth of our Saviour!

We had a great Christmas season. Unfortunately, we had to miss our Christmas Eve service due to Jon being sick. I watched it online-I love technology!!

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Timothy helping decorate the boys Santa tree.
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I love decorating the fireplace. Makes a perfect place for all my Santas.

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I can never take a picture in my house without first having to take a funny one!
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The main tree.
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The Santa presents. Guess they were good boys all year after all.novdec2008 200
The boys finding their Santa gifts.
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Like those stockings? I made them myself!! They were overflowing this year.

Happy New Year!!

We spent New Years Eve with Jon’s dad and stepmom and had a wonderful time playing games and watching movies. Came home around 9 and watched some of the Twilight Zone marathon, then fell asleep. I think the boys might have made it to midnight. I didn’t. I think I’m getting old!! I hope everyone has a great 2009.